Be it full page Illustrations for a Children's Book, representations of concepts for your non-fiction manuscript, or simple drawings on your chapter header pages, the addition of illustrations will really bring your words to life.

Illustrations can really make a book come to life. While people initially think of illustrations as something just for Children’s books, your fiction or non-fiction book can also benefit from illustrations, enhancing your content and making your book more enjoyable and more memorable to the reader.
How non-fiction books benefit from illustration
Capture the attention of someone browsing through your book
Engage and delight the reader
Support key ideas
Simplify complex theories
Illustrate the details of a process
Add pizazz to graphs, screen shots, and charts
Check out the samples below and reach out if you think I might be the illustrator for you!

I work on a variety of illustration jobs, including labels games, explainer videos, and card decks. Check out the samples below and reach out if you think I might be the illustrator for you!